Easy-to-use window film tint tools – tinting knives or cutters and razor blades gives tinter a best wrap and film cutting or trimming. Window tinting cutters and razor blades sold at SFF are the most professional for wrapping and tinting. We have all you need to get the job done.
Stainless steel snap-off blades for use in moist environments (wallpapering, window films, etc.)
Featuring a slim, stainless steel body, the Olfa SVR-1 feels like an extension of your hand.
Scrape until your hearts content and you wont scratch the glass.
Single Edge Razor Replacement Blades 100 Pack. Steel back razor blades. Are idea replacements for the Blade Aid/ Single Blade and 1’’ HD Retractable Razor Scraper.
The Super Cutter is a cheap effective knife, great for those that are always losing their knives.
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