Tools for every move, and mood!
Window Film Installation Tools : we’ve all had that tough day where nothing seems to be going right, and we have a huge mountain of a project to get through. Luckily SFF has every Window Film Installation Tools you may ever need to make every installation of Window Film a breeze.
The typical technician carries his Window Film Installation Tools with him all day and juggling them can be a challenge. Many have found that a vest, instead of a belt, where the support from your shoulders, rather than your hips, has proven to be easier to carry and handle during a job. The “lil chizler”, “bulldozer”, “EZ reach” tools are among the most common and top tools needed on any installation.
The “bulldozer” can get into places that most other tools cant without a lot of pressure. It has a nice wide bill, and hardened board, on it that is angled so you can shove it behind brake lights when doing a vehicle, and get into those tough narrow spaces when doing architectural tinting. The bulldozer is definitely a tool we would call mandatory for Window Film Installation.
The EZ reach tool is also an installer favourite across the board. The Gold EZ reach, supplied by SFF, is a medium strength tool and can reach into a lot of corners. This tool can almost be used as a chizler. For some cars where the front corners are very hard to reach or get into, and for those hard to reach gaps on architectural tinting, the EZ reach works well.
In addition to specific tools, there are components of window film installation that we would say are mandatory. These are things you have to use to keep warrantees valid such as water, stainless steel razor blades and microfiber towels. These help keep the film non-static and clean.