When considering corporate office branding, no logo is designed without an enormous amount of thought and creative purpose. Corporate office branding reduces everything about your company into one vital visual, your name. Or in some instances, merely a symbol. And, naturally, corporate office branding needs to be designed in a way that will make it unique and memorable.
What’s in office branding?
Corporate office branding – details, delicate and sometimes infinitesimal, need to be considered such as colour, fonts and spacing. It’s all documented millimetre by millimetre in that essential manual known as the corporate style guide – the lifeblood (and sometimes bane) of any advertising agency. But those millimetres are crucial. This corporate office branding, after all, is going to appear everywhere that you profess ownership and engagement, and it must look the same every time it appears. It’s the ‘out there’ unique insignia of who you are – the bold inscription of colour and form that encapsulates your distinctive character across all communications such as web design, print media, television, and including buildings, décor, uniforms and stationery.
But a corporate office branding is merely the shortcut key to everything your organisation stands for, the physical expression of your company’s brand. Behind it stands the layered impressions that make your logo meaningful. Behind it lies your corporate identity.
What constitutes corporate identity?
Corporate identity is the way a company or large organisation views itself. How successfully it conveys this view to customers, employees, business associates will depend on the strategic route chosen to effect impact, influence and sustainability. Many elements interweave to create the basis of a company’s identity: philosophy, culture, history, values, mission and vision. These are entrenched in such measurables as product performance, service standards, staff motivation and technical sophistication – all of which blend with the visual statement of your logo. Your name. Who you are. Your documented brand appearance.
Office branding is how people recognise you – but not necessarily how they feel about you. How they feel about your identity is the ‘in there’ mental impression they may have of your company. And that would be your brand image. How the world knows you is one thing, how they feel about you is another. That vital ‘inner’ view is the basis of your brand image. corporate office branding is fixed, enduring and consistent. Office branding however, can be positive, negative or neutral – it can fluctuate, it changes overnight one way or the other. To get identity (your view of who you are) and image (the way your customer sees you) to blend in harmony, you need strategy.