SFF’s office safety film are heavy-duty films bonded by especially aggressive adhesives. When applied to glass in commercial and residential buildings, they can prevent much of the destruction caused by flying glass shards in windstorms, attacks or accidents. Upgrading existing glazing to meet safety regulations is quick and cost-effective with retrofit safety films. Verified by laboratories in accordance with accepted testing methods, SFF meets the criteria established by the industry’s standards.
If you own a business, you are continually looking for ways to save money. There are wide ranges of overhead costs associated with owning a business. For business owners, the cost of installing safety film can offer outstanding and immediate benefits for your company. From saving money on energy expenditures to prolonging the life of your interior furnishings, office safety film is an outstanding, long term investment.
Available in different thicknesses. Safety Film helps ensure that safety of people and property in a variety of applications, in all corners of the globe.
Forced Entry
In addition to the loss of merchandise, smash-and-grab theft can cost retailers thousands of rands in damage to windows and furnishings.
SFF’s Office Safety Film deters forced entry by making windows harder to penetrate, encouraging would-be intruders to seek easier targets. And unlike bars or grates, SFF doesn’t block product displays, so you can deter thieves without discouraging customers.
Accidental Breakage
When accidents or spontaneous breakage occur, shattered glass fragments can pose great risk of personal injury. SFF’s Office Safety Film reduces risk of injury and helps hold glass fragments in place until they can safely be removed and replaced.
Secure your property
Professionally installed with minimal disruption, SFF’s Office Safety Film is an affordable alternative to safety glazing, making it the ideal security solution for retrofit projects as well as new construction.