If you are one of the millions of people who are always curious about how they can stop people from seeing them from the outside while they are able to see from inside to outside. Then One Way Tint Film is your solution. This type of privacy window film is an incredibly popular product and we’d like to take this opportunity to make it clear exactly what can and can’t be achieved.
To deliver One Way Tint Film the most effective and popular course of action is the application of a reflective film. Once applied, the film will give the exterior side of the glass a mirrored effect during daylight hours, preventing vision through the glass, whilst maintaining the view from the inside out.
Solar Film Foundation is a trusted provider of quality One Way Tint Film in Durban and across the continent. In this article we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions around the topic of One Way Tint Film to help you make a better decision.
- Will privacy film work at night?
This is usually the confusion amongst potential customers. Generally, Reflective window film is one of a range of mirrored window films that provides privacy during daylight hours. This is because the film works on the light balance; it is the side of the film that is exposed to the brighter light that looks like a reflective mirror. During daylight hours, this will be the exterior side of the film that looks like a silver window or a silver mirrored surface.
When the light is brighter inside than it is out, typically when the sun goes down and artificial lights are switched on inside, the effect is reversed. In the majority of cases this is not a problem as, when night falls, most residential and commercial properties either draw blinds or curtains.
- Will One Way Tint Film make it dark inside?
In the majority of cases, applying window film will have an effect on the light transmission; it’s important to be clear on this. However, it is equally vital to understand that window films have been manufactured specifically to keep light loss to a minimum. In short, unless it’s a specialist blackout film, you are unlikely to notice a significant drop in light levels, even when using mirror films.
Does One Way Tint Film go on the inside or the outside of the glass?
One Way Tint Film is applied to the interior face of the glass. The window film is fitted using soapy water to enable movement into the exact position, the water is then squeegeed out to let the film adhere to the glass. The main benefit is that an internal application allows for longer shelf life. Whilst external grade films are available, their exposure to the variable weather conditions means that they are at peak performance for a shorter period of time.