Want to add a little privacy to your glass window, or do you need to add a little extra something to your glass. Then you need Glass Sandblasting Durban. They specialise in sandblasting. With this application you can create a special look on many surfaces such as glass and mirror.
From their computerised design department they are able to apply any pattern, border, graphic, logo or text to all glass, mirror and granite surfaces – for all residential, retail and corporate work.
At Solar Film Foundation (SFF) they have a large range of artwork on file to choose from – or they can match to artwork taken from fabrics, tiling details, wallpapers, magazine pictures, graphics etc. To produce original Glass Sandblasting Durban works to enhance the decor of both residential and corporate interiors.
Your professional Glass Sandblasting Durban offers a full range of blasted finishes – deep carving, solid and half tones which are used singly or in combinations to set off any particular piece. They can stick a window film sandblast to give the effect sandblast to a window – allowing back lighting for mural panels, skylight and light defuses – or enabling them to apply solid colours to the blasted areas for signage, gilding etc.
Of course the application for sandblasting is endless. Your best Glass Sandblasting Durban believes imagination is their only limit.
They do all sandblasting at their premises or any designation of your choice should you wish. They will apply the sandblast film onto your own glass, or they can supply to your specifications.
A catalogue of some of their stock patterns is available to keep on file. Should you wish to view samples of the different finishes discussed above, these can be viewed at their premises, where they will be available to answer any of your queries.
Some other services offered by the professional Glass Sandblasting Durban:
- Smash and Grab
- Paint and Headlight Promotion Head film
- Vehicle Wraps Branding
- Heat And Glare Reduction Films
- Privacy Window film
- Safety and Security Film
- Designer and Decorative Film
- Colour Window Film and Vinyl
- Office Branding Logos
- Wall Graphics Murrals and Wallpapers
For more detailed information, please go to Solar Film Foundation (SFF) or call 031 573 9000