With South Africa in the middle of an energy crisis, we all need to help and do as much as we can to reduce our power consumption. Using a combination of solar window tinting and ceiling insulation, you can reduce energy consumption dramatically in your home or office.
By using a solar shield on your windows, you will stop the heat flowing into your home or office but still allow enough light in. Solar film protects your furniture, wooden floors and carpets from the ultra violet rays that come in through your windows and causes fading.
Solar shield window tinting is an energy conservation measure at a low cost and high return. By installing the proper window tinting that has solar properties you can reduce up to 75% of the sun’s solar heat that comes through the windows at home or your office.
Without solar window tinting, glass cannot deflect the suns hot rays, and you will find your rooms heating up quickly and air-conditioners end up working overtime to keep your premises at a comfortable and constant temperature. This in turn, drastically increases power consumption and electricity bills.
Ultra Violet Light – Window Tinting
By having your home or business properly tinted with solar film, you will help save the interior, up to 99% of the harmful ultra violet rays that enter your windows can be stopped using the correct window tinting film.
It also reduces the chance of skin cancer and has been recommended by the skin cancer foundation. Solar shield film is energy efficient and creates a comfortable home or working environment.
Rather than block your views with blinds or shades, why not enhance it by tinting your windows with solar shield film, which will make your place of work or home more enjoyable by not allowing the unbearable heat and excessive sun damage to occur. The window film has ultra violet inhibitors that reject about 99% of ultra violet rays that enter through your windows.
You need to reduce as much glare and heat as possible in order to minimize fading. Solar shield window tinting films will help you achieve this.
Heat, Glare, Energy Reduction – Solar Window Tinting
- 75% heat reduction
- 90% glare reduction
- 99% ultra violet reduction
- 35% summer energy cost reduction
Why Use Solar Film?
- Control the climate in your home
- Efficient illumination, but reduce glare and heat
- Increase your energy efficiency
- Cooler in summer
- Warmer in winter
- Air-conditioning bills reduced
- Protection for your furniture, fabrics and carpets
- Shatter proof protected glass
- Makes your home more private
- Decrease chance of smash and grab attacks
How does Solar Film Work?
The solar shield window tinting gets applied to the inside of the glass, so it doesn’t get exposed to the outdoor elements. Once your windows have been tinted with solar film, this is what happens.
- The tinted glass reflects some of the suns solar energy
- Some of the solar energy is absorbed by the window tint
- Tiny amount of solar energy enters the room
- The solar film absorbs and re-radiate the energy in and out the room
Window Tinting – Saving you money
Our window tinting solar film will make your normal glass, heat reflective and cost effective. It is also a lot cheaper than getting factory tinted windows. The correct window film can block as much as 91% of the heat flow that enters your windows and 99% ultra violet light radiation. Solar film window tinting is also a really good insulator on cold nights.
Window Tinting – Safety Film
Every year, hundreds of people are hurt by pieces of glass the fly around in the air after a window breaks. The glass pieces become dagger like objects. To predict when glass my break is impossible by we can prevent serious injury by using good solar film for window tinting.
People all over the world use different kinds of window tinting to reduce smash and grab attacks, broken glass causing injuries, heat, glare and UV reduction. With the proper window tinting installed, you family and co-workers will be kept safe for different kinds of disasters.