Commercial window film: to be a successful restaurant owner, having good food usually isn’t enough— providing an environment that complements the cuisine and the customers it attracts also plays a big role. In many cases, commercial window film can be installed to help enhance the overall customer experience in several ways.
Make Your Customers Comfortable
For many restaurants, having walls of windows provide sunshine and a beautiful view that’s alluring to customers. However, the heat and the glare that come with untreated windows can turn into a turn off. If you’ve ever had a customer ask to be re-seated because of the annoying glare at lunchtime, you know what a hassle it can be— especially if your restaurant is full. Professionally-installed window film can block up to 99% of the sun’s UV rays, offering significant glare reduction without reducing visibility. Additionally, commercial window film provides heat reduction, reflecting approximately 80% of the sun’s heat, making your customers more comfortable and keeping your restaurant cooler without having to turn up the air conditioner.
Commercial Window Film Offers UV Protection
Your customers probably wouldn’t think to wear sunscreen indoors, so it’s fairly safe to assume they wouldn’t apply SPF 30 before dining inside your restaurant. But the sunlight streaming in that increases the ambiance also allows ultraviolet radiation in through the windows, which contributes to a person’s daily accumulation of sun exposure. Commercial Window film helps block damaging UVA and UVB rays that cause skin cancer including melanoma, other skin conditions and visible signs of aging, according to The Skin Cancer Foundation.
Reduce Fading, Protect Furnishings and Products
Commercial Window film also offers protection against the damaging effects of the sun to internal furnishings, fabrics, flooring, and artwork. The cost of having to replace furniture, carpet, or paintings can add up quickly. Restaurants may also have retail displays in front of windows, offering higher end or very specialized products that could be damaged and even destroyed by the sun’s heat. Safety films can offer another form of protection for your customers and your business: holding commercial glass in place if shattered during accidents, burglaries, storms, or other type of natural disaster.