We all know wallpaper trends have been the best decor design of our parents and our grandparents’ times. 2019 wallpaper trends did not just appear from nowhere, but rather they date way back just after infusing the home decor wallpaper trends-sphere in the 70s to 90s.
Recently wallpaper trends changed and took a turn experiencing a revival, with most stylish interiors on social media platforms. This turn continues well in 2019 wallpaper trends as Pinterest reported that bold wallpaper joined the ranks of 2019 wallpaper trends since most people are searching for “Bold print wallpaper”.
Bold wallpaper is described as tropical wallpapers with variety prints such as floral, stripes, and colourful. You also think its time to revamp your home too, right? Do not worry we’ve got you covered with the best 2019 wallpaper trends.
Pink wallpaper
Pink has been imprinting for the recent years with divergent shades loved by many. Last year was mostly about romantic pinks, in 2019 things are looking somewhat more but little mate with a touch of rose gold.
Pink is the perfect shade for your home, it is one of a kind without being overwhelming, its current and easily beautiful. Would love to see those rooms and lounges shaded in pink.
Navy wallpaper
Navy is one of the best colours voted to use at home in Pinterest, after the colour became massive admiration on Instagram. Well from the look of things blue is still at the centre of 2019 wallpaper trend.
Blue navy is a very dark or dull colour without supportive accents such as Gold or made of wood touch. Therefore, to prevent the room from feeling excessively dim, try the colour and pair it so perfectly you’ll never go wrong.
Make Dark Wallpaper Alive
Dark colours wall doesn’t have to be boring! A full black or any dark wall make your room dull, so if you’re into dark colours opt for stripes or spotted wallpaper it will surely make your house look livelier.
Classy glitter wallpaper
We’ve seen glittery and metallic making trend in fashion. Well, if you liked that you will undoubtfully like metallic wallpapers which are set to remain huge and at the top of 2019 wallpaper trends.
Metallic wallpapers are stylish and classy while bringing a spark in the house. They are also ideal for bars and clubs’ hallways.
Trellis wallpaper
Trellis are set to take the centre stage in 2019 with their geometric style ideal for additional elegance.