If you live in a region that enjoys abundant sunlight year-round, chances are good you already understand the benefits of tinting your windows. The right window tint can help to reduce the amount of sunlight coming in the windows, including harmful UV rays.
During the summer months, this can not only help to protect interior surfaces from fading and allow you to enjoy natural light indoors without risking sunburn, but it can also significantly reduce the heat-producing rays that seep into your home, saving you money on expensive cooling systems.
That said, you might not be entirely clear on the benefits of installing residential window tinting during the winter months. Are there benefits to be gained from tinted windows during the winter? The answer is yes, and here are a few reasons why you should consider hiring a residential window tinting company even when it’s snowing and blowing outside.
Residential Window Film Cuts Glare
There may be days on end where you don’t see the sun when winter weather hits, but when the sun finally makes an appearance, the glare off the snow can be blinding. Tinted windows work all year long, so whether you’re dealing with the harsh summer sun streaming in through the windows or the double whammy of sunlight on snow, your residential tinted window film will reduce the glare in your home.
Residential Window Film Reduces Fading
Even weak sunlight can cause your carpeting, upholstery, and other interior surfaces to fade. If you want to protect your furniture and interior decor throughout the year, installing residential window tinting that features UV protection is essential. Even if you’re not terribly worried about the effects of sunlight during the winter months, it could still damage and fade interior surfaces.
Residential Window Film Protects Your Skin
During the summer months you probably slather on broad spectrum sunblock each day to protect against burns whether you’re outdoors, in the car, or enjoying a sunny spot in the house. You may not take the same precautions during the winter months when sunlight is dim or hazy.
Unfortunately, your skin can be damaged by the sun even when weather conditions are cloudy, and sunlight reflecting off snow and ice can be particularly harsh. When you have proper residential window tinting that offers UV protection, you won’t have to worry so much when you’re soaking up intermittent rays and getting your dose of vitamin D in the comfort of your home.
Residential Window Film Regulates Interior Temperature
You know that energy film and other window tinting products can help to reduce interior temperatures during the summer, but you might not realize that the right residential window tinting can help you to conserve energy and maintain a set interior temperature during the winter months, as well.
With advanced products like low-e window films you can keep your heat inside where it belongs and increase your home’s efficiency, especially when you pair it with other measures like weather stripping. Windows are among the most common points of heat loss in your home during the winter, and adding suitable window tinting can help to keep your interior cosy and warm while lowering your heating costs.